ভেষজ গাছ গাছড়া ঔষধ (ছবিসহ)

by ZI Apps



Herbal Plants app will help you to know about herbal plants in your neighborhood and get idea about their medicinal uses. This app collects information about various herbs available in Bangladesh.## Some features of the app:* Large number of herbal plant information: The app contains more than 100 herbal plant information, including plant names, descriptions, images, medicinal uses, and side effects.* Diagnosis helpful: Based on your physical problem, the app can give you an idea of ​​potentially effective herbal medicine.* Medicine Preparation Method: The app provides simple instructions for preparing various herbal medicines.* Offline Usage: Once the app is downloaded you can use it without internet connection.## Using the app you:* Learn about the herb plants around you.* Get idea about herbal medicine for various diseases.* You can prepare herbal medicine easily at home.